Dr Jacques Lebahar

"Monday - Friday: 08:30 - 20:00"
+33 (0)4 50 83 09 89
9, General Avenue

traitement sans élastiques

Incognito THonon les Bain Orthodontie

A beautiful smile, in all discretion

Explore the comfort of orthodontic treatment without elastics on Thonon Orthodontie. Our innovative approach offers treatments without elastics, providing a unique and comfortable orthodontic experience. Rubber-free methods aim to align teeth and correct malocclusions without using traditional elastics.

Discover how this modern technique allows you to benefit from a discreet and effective treatment, offering an innovative alternative to conventional methods. With an adapted and personalized process, this elastic-free treatment guarantees increased comfort and optimal aesthetic results.

Immerse yourself in scalable orthodontics, offering remarkable results without the constraints of traditional elastics. Explore the details of this revolutionary method on our site and discover how it can give you the smile you deserve, without compromising on comfort and aesthetics.
